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Transsexual Stories of the Most Phenomenal Undergo Genitals Change

Gender identity is an important determinant of biological, psychological and social person. Every person is born with male sex or female.

But there are some people who feel 'stuck' with their own gender, to decide for transgender (transsexual). Here are a few people who have the most phenomenal sex-change story,

1. Jackie Green, the world's youngest transsexual
Jackie Green is the youngest transsexual in the world, because it has done a sex change from male to female at the age of 16 years. The first time Jackie wants a sex-change operation at the age of 6 years. In fact he had 5 times to commit suicide by cutting their own genitals.

But doctors do not allow genital surgery in children so young. Then on the day of the birthday-16 years old, his mother Jackie presented a sex-change operation in Thailand.

2. Ruth Rose, Britain's oldest transsexual
Ruth Rose was born with male sex and named James Rose. At the age of 76, her urinary tract cancer and declared her age would not live much longer. After recovering, he was determined to live what he wanted, namely a woman completely.

He also underwent a number of changes are slowly becoming a woman. And next year, Ruth will turn into the 80th and by then, he will undergo a final operation to become a woman, the replacement of the genitals. He acknowledged psychologically, has transformed himself into a woman, and will be completed with the physical changes.

3. Chen Li and Jiang, husband and wife are compact exchanging sex
Newly married couple in the city of Yongzhou, Hunan Province, China plans to something a bit odd to the average person. The husband wants to be a female sex-change operation, otherwise the wife wants surgery to become a man.

The husband, Chen Li (37 years old) does have a tendency feminine and very attentive to others. Meanwhile, his wife, Jiang Ling-law was tired of the angry and decided I wanted to be a man to be more respected.

4. Ria Cooper, twice the sex-change
Ria Cooper (18 years old) who was born with male sex, made ​​headlines last year when he became the youngest British person who did a sex-change operation at the age of 17 years.

However, less than 1 year to be a woman, she decided to again change into male genitals because it claimed to suffer from a severe mental disorder as a woman.

5. Thomas Beatie
Beatie gained international attention for being one of the men could get pregnant. He was born and lived his life as a woman until the mid-20-year-old. Then he started doing the male hormone therapy but retaining female sex organs.

This condition makes her get pregnant and have a child with her partner using donor sperm. Currently Beatie already has 3 children and started to back male hormone therapy.

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